Book Review

How to Create a Vegan World: A Pragmatic Approach Written by Tobias Leenaert Summary & Review by Beth Quick I recently finished Tobias Leenaert’s provocative, challenging, and inspiring book How to Create a Vegan World: A Pragmatic Approach. (Lantern Books, 2017)....

Book Review

Veganism in an Oppressive World: A Vegans of Color Community Project, edited by Julia Feliz Brueck (Sanctuary Publishers, 2017) Veganism in an Oppressive World: A Vegans of Color Community Project, edited by Julia Feliz Brueck, is an eclectic work that includes...

Book Review

Walking With Peety: The Dog Who Saved My Life by Eric O’Grey (with Mark Dagostino),  2017, Grand Central Publishing Reviewed by Linda DeStefanoReview translated by Rob English I love this book!  It’s a true account by the author, who was morbidly overweight,...

Book Review – en español

CAMINANDO CON PEETY: el perro que me salvó la vida por Eric O’Grey (con Mark Dagostino), 2017, Grand Central Publishing Opinión de Linda DeStefanoTraducida al español por Rob English. ¡Yo amo este libro! Es un relato verdadero del autor, uno que tenía un...