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Protein is one of the largest dietary concerns which arise for people considering going vegan. Concerns and fears are typically rooted in common misguided beliefs: social conditioning which is based 

on falsehoods and health and nutrition stemming from at least a century of propaganda generated by the meat, dairy and medical industries. The happy truth about protein is that even the simplest vegan diet is an abundantly sufficient source of protein. Fruits and vegetables are premium, sufficient sources of amino acids, the building blocks of protein which our cells use to synthesize all of its protein. Another happy truth is that the body recycles approximately 80% of the protein it makes. We do not need to concern ourselves with eating an abundance of protein every day because we simply do not normally lose much.

Eating protein does not build muscle. Muscular growth results from placing a strength overload upon the muscles and then supplying adequate conditions for recovery. The quality tissue developed will be determined by the food eaten, and the highest quality tissues will develop as a result of eating plants. Gorillas have no trouble growing big and strong on fruits and veggies, and the same applies to us.
Those who believe that they are deriving quality protein from cooked meats are mistaken. Very little protein or amino acids are available from meat and dairy. All of our protein needs are provided by plants an

d their fruits. Synthesis of the eight essential amino acids occurs in plants, but not in humans. Only plants extract nitrogen from the air and nitrates from the soil for amino acid synthesis. Plants and fruits would not exist without amino acids as part of their structures.

A broad diet of plant foods which excludes any and all animal foods provides all eight essential amino acids required by the body for all its protein needs. Eat a well balanced vegan diet focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes nuts and seeds with confidence, knowing you’re supplying yourself with the worlds most nutritious foods!

David Klein – Colitis & Crohn’s Health Recovery Center – 2011